Permit Distribution Solutions

You’ve developed your access or parking plan, created a secure, counterfeit protected permit, and now it’s time for distributing your permits to the end user.   Rydin’s Permit Distribution Service makes the process extremely easy.  No need to hire extra staff – or disrupt regular operations and no long lines or upset pass holders.  Our turnkey solution gets your passes directly into the hands of your users easily and hassle free.

Discover the benefits of Rydin’s Permit Distribution Solutions by consulting with a Rydin Distribution specialist.

Parking Permit Distribution Made Easy!

How the System Works

  1. Submit Permit Holder Info – Upload a CSV file with recipients’ names, mailing addresses, and permit types to our secure FTP site. Our expert Data Processing Team is automatically notified and will begin to prepare your files for processing.
  2. Parking Permit Packets Are Prepared for Mailing
    Our team will collate each parking permit into an envelope, along with an introduction letter. You can choose to include other important literature, such as:

    • News & Updates
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Parking Rules
    • Facility Maps
    • Seasonal/Event Regulations

    Orders are processed and typically in the mail within 48 hours unless an exact mailing date is specified.

  3. Delivery to User – The parking permits are sent directly to your community members at the addresses you provided. You will receive an updated database that indicates who received which permit number and when their packet was sent!

    This hand’s free approach makes it easy!

  4. Permits are Available for Use!

Learn About the Distribution Solutions

Hosted by Erica Shea, veteran expert in Parking Permit Distribution Solutions

Key Benefits of Direct Distribution

Group of Icons

Unique to
Customer Plan

Line of people crossed out

No More Long Lines


Direct to User Distribution


Save Time

Paper Icon with Text Graphic and Pencil

Cost & Budget


Secure Data Management


Limit Interruptions of Current Staff


Customized Mailing Message


– Don Andrae | Manager, Parking Services | Auburn University


– Mary Mabry | University of Texas Arlington

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