Color Charts

*Actual colors may vary. We try to ensure our digital color charts are as life-like as possible, but understand that actual colors may vary slightly depending on monitor and display settings. We cannot guarantee the colors displayed below will match the product exactly.

If you have any addition questions please feel free to contact us today.

Expanded Color Chart

The most popular inks commonly used on most materials. If you don’t see what you’re looking for contact us today and we’ll be happy to create the solution that works for you. 

Expanded Color Chart

Astrobright® Color Chart

Material commonly used for: Temporary Hang Tags

*Paper color will not display exactly on all monitors. Ink color may vary depending on printing method and substrate.

Fluorescent Litho Color Chart

Material commonly used for: Warning Labels

*Paper color will not display exactly on all monitors. Ink color may vary depending on printing method and substrate.

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